Overtraining and the Immune System. How Much is Too Much?

Overdoing it, burning the candle at both ends, cooking the goose. Athletes are notoriously bad for knowing when to back off and take a break, but why is it that going just a little too hard on the training track can lead to illness that can destroy an athlete’s whole season? It’s no secret that… Continue reading Overtraining and the Immune System. How Much is Too Much?

Finnish Saunas to Finish First. Could passive heat acclimation build the freeway to form?

Saunas have been a hot health topic for decades now, with a bucket load of claimed benefits ranging from improving skin, sleep and general relaxation. Research on athletes shows that the adaptations from sweating are even sweeter for endurance performance than expected.     The most significant impact of saunas for athletes is the increased… Continue reading Finnish Saunas to Finish First. Could passive heat acclimation build the freeway to form?